Key Ratios

Historical financial information is provided by MorningStar, Inc. Daktronics, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the information contained herein and takes no responsibility for supplementing, updating, or correcting any such information.

Price & Volume

Recent Price $14.71
Recent Price 7/25/24
52 Week High $15.26
52 Week Low $6.91
5 Day Price Percent Change (%) 2.87%
4 Week Price Percent Change (%) 9.21%
26 Week Price Percent Change (%) 78.09%
52 Week Price Percent Change (%) 113.19%
Volume (3 Month Average) (Mil) 10.82
Volume (10 Day Average) (Mil) 0.71
Beta 1.12

Dividend Information

Yield (%) --
Ex-Dividend Date
Dividend Rate --

Financial Strength

Valuation Ratios

Per Share Data

Mgmt Effectiveness
